Thursday, October 05, 2006


I seem to be waiting for a lot of things right now.

Waiting for my socks to reach my target, waiting for my socks to come to me from my assassin.

Waiting for a new employee for my old dept.

Waiting for a schedule of the new manager for my old dept.

Waiting to move to my new dept.

Waiting for this cold to leave my house. Right now I'm the one with the fever & aches.

Waiting for the weekend cause the kids are going to the cottage with Nana & Papa. Ah the freedom and most of all the silence.

I think I'm going to go convince my arms that movement is a good thing and start my daughters wristlets.


nuttnbunny said...

Can't wait (in the spirit of NOT waiting :-) to see the wristlets. Received socks. I feel so well assassinated. Thanks!

Lady Cairean said...

Actually I should be able to finish one of them tonight. Maybe I can get a picture up tomorrow.