This is a little piece I found in one of my notebooks when I was cleaning up. I'm posting it for all those people out there that live with this disorder.
Confessions of a Narcoleptic Mom
There's so much to write about... My feelings that I'm letting my kids down, followed by the reality that on average I'm doing what I can. The fact that I love the people around me but at the same time they irritate the hell out of me. The fact that my job gets all my energy & my home spirals deeper into hell every day. And then there is this feeling that I'm trapped in my body & by my body (& brain). Some days I wonder if going off my meds would make others have to deal with my disorder, my illness, my defect because they would then see what it is that I'm living with every single second that I breath in this world. Now it's not pity that I want, no, it's some degree of understanding & yes damn it help because my life is difficult. However because I look normal nobody gets it!