Spitting Nails (bitch session)
So my employer is running a new service for the holidays and it's big, really big. Myself and my service team went to a company training session yesterday to learn our new job. Everytime a new responsibility or essentail need was brought up I could see all the problems this was going to create for me with the rest of the management team back at work. Enough so that it was apparently showing on my face and got called upon to tell them what was going through my head. They reassured me that these things wouldn't be an issue because this is the direction that the company is going and that it must be supported.
So today I went to work and answered a few of the questions they had without telling them a lot because I didn't want to create issues before the unit manager is on board. Well it went exactly like I thought it would and I am so sick of hearing "Well that's just not possible.", "That's not realistic.", "We're not going to be able to do that here.", "You have to remember......" and much much more.
The day went exactly as I thought it would. The support for this program is just not there and I'm afraid it won't be no matter what is said by those at head office.